A History of Entity Framework
I recently had the honor of appearing on The 6 Figure Developer podcast. I reminisced about the history of Entity Framework and the role I’ve been blessed to play in it. Have a listen!
I put together a timeline to go with the episode:
Year | Event |
2006 | WinFS cancelled First preview of Entity Framework released |
2008 | Vote of no confidence EF 1.0 released as part of .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 LINQ to SQL cancelled |
2009 | Programming Entity Framework (by Julie Lerman) published |
2010 | EF 4.0 released (POCO, foreign keys, lazy loading, templates) Magic Unicorn Edition released I joined the team Programming Entity Framework: Code First (by Julie Lerman and Rowan Miller) published |
2011 | Programming Entity Framework: DbContext (by Julie Lerman and Rowan Miller) published EF 4.1 released (DbContext, code first) |
2012 | EF 4.3 released (migrations) Went open source EF 5.0 released (enums, spatial, TVFs) Move from SQL org to Azure (ASP.NET) |
2013 | EF 6.0 released (async, connection resiliency, custom conventions, sprocs) |
2014 | EF 6.1 released Began work on EF7 |
2016 | EF7 renamed to EF Core EF Core 1.0 released (mixed-eval, shadow state properties, unique constraints, sequences, batching, attach graph APIs) EF Core 1.1 released (memory-optimized tables) |
2017 | EF Core 2.0 released (table splitting, owned entities, global query filters, function mapping) EF 6.2 released |
2018 | EF Core 2.1 released (lazy loading, value converters, keyless entity types, group by, constructor parameters, seeding) Entity Framework Core in Action (by Jon P Smith) published EF Core 2.2 released (spatial, owned collections, query tags) |
2019 | Moved to DevDiv (.NET) org EF Core 3.0 released (Azure Cosmos DB, await foreach, nullable reference types, single server-eval query, interceptors) EF 6.3 released (.NET Core) EF 6.4 released EF Core 3.1 released |
2020 | Entity Framework Community Standup premiered EF Core 5.0 released (many-to-many, TPT, collations, TVFs, filtered include, property bags, table rebuilds, exclude from migrations, change-tracking proxies) |
2021 | EF Core 6.0 released (perf improvements, compiled models, migration bundles, temporal tables, pre-convention configuration) |
2022 | EF Core 7.0 planned (TPC, JSON columns, value objects, bulk updates, templates, sprocs, conventions, trimming support, entity splitting, group by improvements, raw SQL improvements, migrations improvements) |
If you’re interested in learning more about the history of EF, here are some very interesting blogs you can dig through: